The World of 2029 game is just one part of the World of 2029. The game is unique in many ways, including the fact that we're not going to tell you the rules for the game. Explore the game and discover all the surprises that await you.
The World of 2029 doesn’t just take place within the game. Gameplay happens everywhere.
Keep your eyes open for Easter Eggs
Can you find the Easter Egg on this page?
It could be literally anywhere.
When you find it, make certain that you use it.
and other game elements where you least expect them. On this website, you will find clues and even Easter Eggs that just pop up. However, you'll also want to look outside this website, playing detective.
Easter Eggs are an important part of World of 2029, so find them and use them.
#WorldOf2029 #WorldOf2029Game #EasterEggs
In World of 2029, you are not just a passive player. You actually shape your own world.
When the game is released, players will have a level of control like no other game currently on the market. As a player of the alpha edition of the game, you will have even greater control, as you will shape the future of the game itself.
World of 2029 is not a single game, but rather a game platform. The initial game is entitled World of 2029: The Portals Open.