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Last Updated: 2024.07.02
Metaverse: unknown
Level: unknown

Game Play

World of 2029:
The Portals Open

You are startled when a young man suddenly appears as if out of nowhere. He is agitated and provides you with a lot of information.

While much of it goes by too fast, you clearly get the main message:

  • A lot is going to be happening between now and the year 2029.
  • You have a chance to shape the future.
  • This is a special time. Portals are opening with ever greater frequency, but you have to actively look for them, or you may miss them.
  • You need to decide how you can best contribute to the future and act fast, before the portals close.

Even as he is urgently finishing his message, a bright portal reopens and he leaps through it, just as it closes.

Although he was a bit wild-eyed, you definitely know that you should follow his advice.

Your mind races as you get ready to look for portals.

#WorldOf2029 #WorldOf2029Game #PortalsOpen


Tip for Role-Playing in the World of 2029

Throughout the World of 2029, you get to decide whether you are playing as yourself or as a different role. This is how you get to grow.

So, as you move forward, consider how you want to describe yourself:

  • As you are
  • As you want to be
  • Some combination
In many situations, your answer will determine which portals open for you.

For this type of creative game play, it helps if you go with your first impression, deciding quickly and not overthinking your choices.